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ECA 2024 - Communication Administration Interest Group Call for Submissions


2024 Eastern Communication Association Convention

Submission Deadline: September 18, 2023, 11:59 PM PDT

Convention Dates: March 20–March 24, 2024

Convention Location: Hyatt Regency Boston/Cambridge, Cambridge, Massachusetts

Convention Theme: “Currents”

Submission link for Communication Administration Interest Group

The Communication Administration Interest Group invites submissions for ECA's 115th Annual Convention in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The 2024 convention theme is “Currents," which represents our convention location on the banks of the Charles River in Cambridge. We especially encourage submissions that fit this theme. Programming may focus on how ideas related to communication administration contribute to the currents that shape our discipline in today's world. Several topics may be of interest, but feel free to work creatively with the theme:

  • How do historical currents shape contemporary theory and practice of communication administration?
  • What are best practices for communication administrators that may help them navigate the currents of our dynamic historical moment?
  • What communication theories might offer new insights for the practice of communication administration?
  • What ideas, topics, or concepts have been challenged, created or renewed in communication administration recently?
  • What impact do current technologies have on communication administration?
  • What current trends and movements are changing the direction of communication administration?
  • How can communication administrators be responsive to calls for inclusion, diversity, equity, and access in our departments and institutions?

All submissions should be uploaded to and processed through Attendee Interactive. 

Submission link for Communication Administration Interest Group

Submissions received outside of the Attendee Interactive link will not be considered for acceptance.

Competitive Papers

Abstracts or incomplete papers are not acceptable in this category. Submissions of completed papers should be no more than 25 pages, excluding title page, abstract, references, and appendices. Completed papers should be written in accordance with standards set by the Chicago Manual of Style, the American Psychological Association (APA), or the Modern Language Association (MLA). Submissions related to Communication Administration should be uploaded to Attendee Interactive and must include the following elements:

  • Title: to appear on the title page of the paper as well as entered separately into Attendee Interactive.
  • One-page abstract: This abstract will be entered into Attendee Interactive separately from the manuscript. (It may also be included in the manuscript, immediately following the title page.)
  • Title page: to include the title of the paper and the author(s)’ institutional affiliation(s), mailing address(es), telephone number(s), and e-mail address(es).
  • Statement of Professional Responsibility: to appear on the title page of the paper. (Text appears below.)
  • Designation of Student Paper: as appropriate, for authors who are fully enrolled students. Designation to appear on the title page.
  • Designation of Debut Paper: as appropriate, for papers written by authors who have not presented previously at a regional or a national convention. Designation to appear on the title page.
  • Special requests/Requests for AV: if you require an ADA accommodation or are requesting AV support, please make these requests via Attendee Interactive, rather than on the manuscript. Due to costs, AV will likely be limited.
  • Final paper: Remove all identifying information for blind review.
  • If your paper has multiple authors, indicate which author or authors will present the work at the convention.

Program/Panel Proposals  

All program/panel submissions related to Communication Administration should be uploaded to Attendee Interactive and must include the following elements:

  • A thematic title for the program/panel.
  • The names and institutional affiliations of the Chair and Respondent (if any). Chairs and respondents should be two different individuals, preferably from multiple institutions.
  • The names, mailing addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, and institutional affiliations of all program/panel participants. Presenters should not serve as chairs nor as respondents.
  • The program copy (no more than a 75-word description) as it should appear in the final convention program.
  • A detailed rationale for the program/panel.
  • Supporting information that include titles and brief abstracts for each paper or presentation comprising the panel.
  • Special requests/Requests for AV: if you require an ADA accommodation or are requesting AV support, please make these requests via Attendee Interactive, rather than in the text of your panel description or rationale. Due to costs, AV will likely be limited.
  • Estimated attendance for the panel/program.
  • Statement of Professional Responsibility, to be included with the program rationale. (Text appears below.)

Workshop Session Proposals

  • Submissions in this category should feature two or three experts who will address the audience about a pertinent topic related to Communication Administration and will then invite audience participation. Submissions should be uploaded to Attendee Interactive and must include the following:
  • A thematic title for the workshop.
  • A detailed rationale for the workshop.
  • The names, mailing addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, and institutional affiliations of all workshop participants. (Ideally, participants will come from multiple institutions.)
  • Program copy (no more than a 75-word description) as it should appear in the final convention program.
  • Special requests/Requests for AV: if you require an ADA accommodation or are requesting AV support, please make these requests via Attendee Interactive, rather than in the text of your workshop session proposal. Due to costs, AV will likely be limited.
  • Estimated attendance for the workshop.
  • Statement of Professional Responsibility, to be included with the workshop rationale. (Text appears below.)

Round Table Discussion Proposals

Submissions in this category should feature five to eight presenters who share brief position papers on a single, focused topic related to Communication Administration. Submissions should be uploaded to Attendee Interactive and must include the following:

  • A thematic title for the round table discussion.
  • A detailed rationale for the round table discussion.
  • The names, mailing addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, and institutional affiliations of all round table discussion participants. (Ideally, participants will come from multiple institutions.)
  • Program copy (no more than a 75-word description) as it should appear in the final program.
  • Special requests/Requests for AV: if you require an ADA accommodation or are requesting AV support, please make these requests via Attendee Interactive, rather than in the text of your roundtable discussion proposal. Due to costs, AV will likely be limited.
  • Estimated attendance for the round table discussion.
  • Statement of Professional Responsibility, to be included with the roundtable discussion rationale. (Text appears below.)

Statement of Professional Responsibility:

When submitting papers, panel proposals, workshop session proposals, or round table discussion proposals, the following statement must be included.  Submissions without this statement will not be programmed.

“In submitting the attached paper or proposal, I/we recognize that this submission is considered a professional responsibility. I/we agree to present this paper or program/panel if it is accepted and programmed.  I/we further recognize that all who attend and present at ECA’s annual meeting must register and pay the required fees.”

Please contact the 2024 Communication Administration Interest Group Program Planner, via e-mail, for further information:  Janie M. H. Fritz, Professor and Chair, Department of Communication & Rhetorical Studies:

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