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ECA 2024 - Nonverbal Communication Interest Group Call for Submissions



The 115th Annual Convention of the Eastern Communication Association

March 20-24, 2024

Hyatt Regency Boston/Cambridge, Massachusetts

Submission Deadline: September 18, 202, 11:59 PDT

Submission link for Nonverbal Communication Interest Group

The Nonverbal Communication Interest Group is seeking submissions for the 115th annual ECA Convention to be held in Cambridge, Massachusetts from March 20 -24. Let this year’s convention theme, “Currentsguide your submissions:

Currents represents our convention location on the banks of the Charles River in Cambridge while serving as a metaphor for how ideas are the currents that shape our discipline in this contemporary moment. We encourage all submissions to explore the currents of communication through questions such as: How do historical currents shape our current terrain of the study of nonverbal communication? How can the nonverbal communication discipline move ideas and theories into a wider body of knowledge? How do theories currently shape the practice of nonverbal communication? What nonverbal communication ideas, topics, or concepts have currents worn down or created anew? What kinds of impacts do current technologies have on nonverbal communication pedagogy?

We invite you all to submit relevant scholarship that touches upon the previously mentioned goals of ECA 2024 within the field of nonverbal communication. We are open to any method or topic within communication studies, as long as it relates to nonverbal communication (e.g., paralinguistic cues, facial expressions, body language, environmental communication, and the like).

ECA will again be using Attendee Interactive to manage submissions and reviews. All submissions must be uploaded through Attendee Interactive, which can be accessed at Please contact Convention Planner Jeanne Persuit ( with any questions.

The Nonverbal Communication Interest Group invites two types of submission and the specific requirements for each type are as follows: 

Submission Guidelines for Completed Papers 

Papers should be written in accordance with the University of Chicago Manual of Style or APA 7th edition (whichever is appropriate). The following fields need to be completed for individual submissions: 

  • Title
  • Description (aka. Abstract) including the Professional Responsibility Statement.
  • Student Paper marked when appropriate.
  • The word “Debut” marked on all papers written by authors who have not presented previously at a regional or national convention.
  • Special requests
  • Audio Visual Needs
  • Upload final paper or additional documents (file types accepted: Word or PDF).
  • If the paper has multiple authors, submitter should indicate who will be presenting at the convention.

Submission Guidelines for Panel/Program Proposals  

Please submit panel/program proposals is one MS Word file (.doc or .docx). Proposals should be written according to the University of Chicago Manual of Style or APA 7th edition (whichever is appropriate). Include the following items in all panel/program submissions: 

  • Thematic Title
  • Participants (Names & Affiliations) including chair and respondent.
  • Estimated Attendance
  • Special requests
  • Rationale
  • Audio Visual Needs
  • Upload supporting documents that include titles and abstract for each paper or presentation, program copy (no more than a 75-word description) as it should appear in the final program, and Statement of Professionalism (see below).

Include the following statement with submissions. 

In submitting the attached paper/panel, I/We recognize that this submission is considered a professional responsibility. I/We agree to present this paper/panel if it is accepted and programmed. I/We further recognize that all who attend and present at ECA’s annual meeting must register and pay required fees.  

For additional information about the upcoming convention, please visit ECA’s website All questions or concerns related to the Nonverbal Communication Interest Group can be directed to:

Madison Neurohr, Doctoral Student

Department of Communication
University at Buffalo, SUNY 

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