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ECA 2025 Convention Call for Submissions Rhetoric & Public Address Interest Group

Eastern Communication Association 116th Annual Convention 
March 26-30, 2025  
Hyatt Regency
Buffalo, NY
Submission Deadline: October 16, 2024, 11:59PM PST  
“Contemporary Problems, Creative Solutions”

The Rhetoric & Public Address Interest Group invites submissions in preparation of the annual ECA Convention to be held from March 26-30, 2025. We are seeking proposals (representing an individual paper, panel, roundtable discussion, workshop session, or work in progress) for the 116th convention to be held at the Hyatt Regency located in Buffalo, NY. The deadline for submissions is October 16, 2024. The convention theme, “Contemporary Problems, Creative Solutions,” is uniquely suited to reflect many different aspects of the rhetorical tradition, both historically and contemporarily. Such a theme engenders the following questions that we encourage submitters to reflect on:

We encourage submitters to consider how these questions intersect with critical issues related to rhetoric and public address.  
This year, we are seeking submissions in three categories: competitive papers, program/panel proposals (including roundtables discussions and workshop sessions), and works in progress. Please follow the instructions below for each type of submission: 

Competitive Papers  

Submissions of completed papers should be no more than 25 pages, excluding title page, abstract, references, and appendices. Completed papers should be written in accordance with standards set by the Chicago Manual of Style, the American Psychological Association (APA) or the Modern Language Association (MLA). All submissions of completed papers should be uploaded to Attendee Interactive and include the following: 

Program/Panel Proposals  

All program/panel submissions should be uploaded to Attendee Interactive and include the following:

Works in Progress  

For a second year in a row, the Rhetoric and Public Address Interest Group is accepting submissions for a special “works in progress” panel. Submitters who are in the process of completing a rhetorical research project but do not yet have a completed paper are encouraged to submit their work as a “work in progress.” Submissions of works in progress should include an extended abstract of up to 2,500 words explaining the details of the project, including a thesis or main argument, rationale for the study, and any initial arguments. References are not included in the word count. Please submit works in progress as an individual paper on Attendee Interactive, but clearly label “Work in Progress” on the first page of the document. If “work in progress” is not listed on the first page of the submission, it will be reviewed as a competitive paper and not as a work in progress. Works in Progress should be written in accordance with standards set by the Chicago Manual of Style, the American Psychological Association (APA) or the Modern Language Association (MLA). All submissions of Works in Progress should be uploaded to Attendee Interactive and include the following:  

All papers, program/panels, and works in progress submissions should be uploaded to and processed through Attendee Interactive (

Please contact the Rhetoric & Public Address Interest Group Program Planner, via e-mail, for further information: Tim Barney, University of Richmond,

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